Getting Ready for the New Normal – Round I



Mahmoud Mohieldin

In a very early response to COVID-19, ECES organized its first webinar via zoom application due to COVID-19 precautionary measures. Mahmoud Mohieldin, UN Envoy for the 2030 Finance Agenda, United Nations, represented his outlook for the changes in the economy and the global system due to COVID-19. He believes that a new world has been already heading towards the East, even before the Corona crisis. This trend has increased with the crisis, which is worrying the West. Globalization will be completely different. The world will witness greater disengagement and localization of industries within countries. The new world will be devoid of the traditional names of first, second and third world countries. He stressed the importance of focusing on achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs), on top of which is paying attention to health care, education, and combating poverty. This is the most learned lesson from the crisis. He also called on the Egyptian government to set a priority for comprehensive health insurance and apply it in all governorates.

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